Monday, April 8, 2013

challenge #1

challenge #1

Let's make Monday challenge day.  I like to have a challenge for the week.  Whether it's large or small, something I can work to achieve, and reward myself for later.

If you are looking for some tips on getting healthy, Mondays are for you.

Ok so tip one.  Eat cleanly.  You don't need to take a drastic approach to this and empty your cupboards of all junk food (however if the mood strikes, go for it).  For me it was paying more attention to what I was eating and making tiny decisions all day long to do better.  It's even easier to stay on track that way.

A few things to think about...

Are you really hungry? Or just thirsty?
Do you need to sweeten your coffee/tea?
Is what you are eating a real portion size? or is it multiple portions disguised as one?
Could you walk instead of drive to a couple of errands?  Or use half of your lunch hour to walk?

Go get it!

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